Buckman Journal #03
Buckman Journal #03

Buckman Journal #03

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Buckman Journal #03
  • Condition: New
  • Language: English
  • 144 pages
  • 19.05cm x 23.5cm (7.5" x 9.25")
  • Published in Portland 
  • Frequency: Biannually
  • Autumn/Winter 2019

Hold on tight, Buckman Journal 003 Deluxe Edition is a bronco of a wild ride. Stories of action, humor, and wonder alongside a bunch of leaping-page art. A new force has arrived in the American literature scene!

Wrap around cover by AWAKE. Featured writers include Walidah Imarisha and Susan DeFreitas; art by Amanda Jackson, Jeremy Okai Davis, and many more; interview with Lauren Prado; and in this deluxe edition a poetry centerfold by Alyson Provax (yes, really, a centerfold of poetry, Buckmxn brings the literary raunch!).

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